Monday, May 18, 2020

Day 1262 | Almost too many to count / Still alive

Just a quick note to say hi / still alive. 

I know strangers find my blog from "stage 3C triple negative breast cancer" or "supraclavicular node triple negative breast cancer" (because people email me questions). When I was diagnosed, I'd find blogs that would just suddenly end... and would always assume the worst. So, in writing much less frequently, want to check in for those reading this from the beginning .

Just had my 3.5 year checkup through telehealth. No symptoms, so no need for worry. 

I'll have a mammogram in June, COVID-19-pending... I need a port flush around the same time. (Yes, I still have my port). Desmoids are still terrorizing my left leg, so I may need a surgery or two this summer too. .... but - I'll take quiet breast cancer everydayoftheweek. 

That's all for me now. Big hugs. xx


  1. Thank you for the update. I saw your blog and that it was several years old and I'm glad you're well. Praying you stay that way for the rest of a very long life. Cancer at our age is bullshit and I'm glad you made it through. Be well.

  2. <3 Thanks Rach. Still doing well - mommying in Maine now! Best of luck (and totally agree with the bullshit comment). xx


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